Sankethi Genealogy
Information on the online Sankethi family tree
Kartik Subbarao has been leading the effort of creating an online Sankethi family tree. Please check out the online family tree
A Yahoo Group for coordinating and discussing the family tree in detail has been established. If you are interested in participating, please feel free to join at Sankethi Family Tree
Currently people are sending in their hard copy family trees and/or asking to be editors to enter in their own information into the online family tree.
If you would like to become an editor of the online family tree, please send an e-mail to the following address:
Sankethi Geneology Project Team
Kartik Subba Rao
Keshav Sundaresan
Keshava Kumar
Santosh Govindaraju
Madhulika Nataraja
Objectives of this team
Publicize the project to NASA membership, Develop tools and provide assistance to populate information and make this project popular among NASA membership. Submit report in the next GBM in 2007.
Please contact any of the following members on this Team to include your family in this project:
Kartik Subba Rao
Keshav Sundaresan
Madhulika Nataraja
Update from the Sankethi Genealogy Project Team
Standard input sheet in excel format for interested members to use for adding or updating information regarding their family members.
Instructions for completing the input sheet. Click Here
Completed forms may be e-mailed to any of the above mentioned project team members for processing.
Alternatively, completed hard copies of the input sheets may be sent by mail to Keshav Sundaresan, 9 Razorback Drive, Mercerville, NJ 08619.
Allow 2-4 weeks for processing.
If there are any questions concerning the input sheet and/or the accompanying instructions, members are requested to contact one of the Project team members by e-mail.
Here is the link to presentation made by Karthik at the 2006 July get together. Click Here
28 Cranberry Circle, Medford, NY 11763